Your One-Stop Resource for
“Aging Well and in the Right Place”

Welcome to Cornerstone LifeCare
Through the support of our trusted Partners and Resources, Cornerstone LifeCare Consultants will assist you and your loved ones in navigating “Aging in Place” Solutions such as In-Home Remodeling and Modifications; In-Home Medical and Healthcare Services; and other types of vital Personal Support and Services.
Our Cornerstone LifeCare Consultants will also help manage transitions to Independent, Assisted, Rehab, and Skilled Nursing Facilities depending on your goals and circumstances.
During these unsettling times most of our clients purpose to Age in Place, which led to our development of StayAtHome Health & Wellness Resources.
A Cornerstone LifeCare Consultant will meet with you and your supporters to gather information, develop a strategy, and help manage the outcome of the evaluation along with any decisions regarding future needs.
Key factors considered will be general health, living environment, financial situation, and current medical conditions and providers. Specific areas of focus include physical capabilities such as mobility and ability to function in the home, in-home safety and accessibility, and related personal requirements and goals.
For a more supportive, safe, and social living environment the decision may be to transition to one of many Senior Living Community options.
Should a decision be made to explore a transition to one of our many Senior Living Community options, we are here to help.
Whether the choice is Independent Living, Assisted Living. Memory Care, Skilled Nursing or Rehab we have a trusted Partner in My Care Finders — our go-to Referral Resource for Senior Moves.
Gain Access to Concierge Care Coordinators to support Individuals Who Wish to Stay-at-Home Along with Residents of Multi-Family Communities Such as Apartment Complexes, Condos, Independent Senior Living Communities, and Mobile Home Parks.
Through the Support of Our Trusted Partners and Ongoing Communications with Family and Supporters, We Will Assist in Navigating “Aging in Place” Solutions Such as In-Home Healthcare, COVID-19 Care Interventions, and Other Types of Essential Services.
For Aging in Place we provide services that can assist seniors and those with special needs in modifying their current or planned living circumstances.
Through incorporating the timely methods of Universal Design, benefits such as accessibility, comfort, convenience, safety, and visitability can be realized. Some examples include Home Building, Remodeling, Repairs, Maintenance, and other Home-Related Products.

Cornerstone LifeCare is a Network of professional Partners and Resources that provide products and services to the maturing population of Sarasota, Manatee, and surrounding counties — along with their families, caregivers, and circle of supporters.
The number of Partners and Resources in each Service Category is limited based on a vetting process to ensure the highest level of quality and performance in serving our clients. Our goal is to assist them with valuable solutions to the often challenging, confusing, and intimidating decision-making steps.
Learn about the current status of Medical Cannabis, the assessment process with a Certified Medical Cannabis Physician, how to be approved for a medical marijuana card, and the steps to become a Certified Medical Cannabis Caregiver.
We suggest arranging to meet (Teleconference or In-Person) our Cornerstone Medical Cannabis Specialist, who will share the many ways medical marijuana can be used and how it has been successfully tailored to individual needs.
Part of Cornerstone LifeCare’s mission is to be on the leading edge of education and communication related to key programs primarily serving seniors and their circle of supporters.
Prior to the pandemic we were consistently involved with activities, special events, expos, seminars, symposiums, and workshops addressing these goals.
Of late we have been challenged to be more creative in terms of addressing new ways to carry out these objectives with the hope that we will be able to resume some of the more traditional methods soon.

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